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Opossum Trapping

Opossum Trapping

Before trying to trap a opossum yourself, make sure you are aware of Florida’s state laws regarding the opposum problemcapture and relocation of wildlife. Many homeowners think that if they move an animal from their property instead of killing it, they are solving their issue. However, relocating an animal without the proper knowedge and experience can potentially harm the animal; not only during the process but after the opossum is taken to its new “home.”

Relocation can put a lot of stress on wild animals, and when you put them into a new home, they may be at a disadvantage to find food and shelter. The animal may end up leaving and wandering for miles which puts them at risk of being killed.

Trapping Wildlife

There are specific steps to take when trapping an animal. Nuisance wildlife must be released within 24 hours of capture or trap inspection, and may be transported and released to an off-site location that’s within the county of capture. The release location must have a minimum of 40 contiguous acres if the animal is a native species. Lastly, the transportation of the wildlife can not violate any rabies alerts or area quarantine that has been issued by a county health department or county animal service.

Trapping a opossum that has wandered onto your property or into your home can be much more complicated than you would expect. Critter Control serving Miami has the knowledge and experience to safely and legally trap and relocate any nuisance wildlife. Understanding opossum behavior, both before and after trapping, as well as which traps are necessary to use will ensure the opossum is trapped and removed without harming it.

Opossum Prevention

It’s important to remember that trapping the opossum will not take care of the issue on its own. If you don’t address the causes to why opossums could be attracted to your home, they will just keep coming back. Some preventative measures you can take to help opossums from continually returning include:

  • Making sure garbage lids are tightly on trashcans
  • Avoid leaving food outside including pet food dishes
  • Cleaning up any fallen fruit on the ground under trees
  • Making sure there are no possible entry ways into your home (such as open doors or windows without screens)

Contact Us

Instead of possibly causing harm to yourself or the animal, contact Critter Control to have the opossum removed. We will safely and effectively remove the nuisance, find any entry points to seal, as well as repair any damages that may have been caused. Why hassle with researching the laws and how to remove the opossum on your own when we have more than 30 years of experience and can get the job done fast and efficiently. Call us today at 305-363-7136 or contact us through our website to receive more information and to schedule your free home inspection.